Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Oh buoy! Time to head back to the mainland.

Six days sounds like a decent amount of time, but when you spend all of that time staring at cool animals or snorkeling, the time goes way too fast. Hard to believe that we only had two more days left. On Friday morning we woke up on Fernandina Island. Here on Punta Espinosa we got to see a ton of marine iguanas. We had hoped to see some sharks in a deep little cove they like to frequent, but instead we saw a sea turtle and more iguanas. This is the youngest island and has some of the coolest black lava rock ever. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I'm on a boat!

The next morning, we were on our boat in the Baltra harbor by 1130. After a tasty lunch, we headed over to the North side of Santa Cruz island to Dragon Hill for our first bit of exploration and snorkeling. I was super excited when our guide pointed out our first marine iguana. Over the next hourish walk, we say a ridiculous number of birds, land iguanas, and marine iguanas. The land iguanas are the largest, and they eat low hanging succulents and plants as well as fruit that has fallen from trees. They do not swim like their smaller marine counterpart who eats algae and seaweed from the rocks. They both lay eggs in nests dug into the ground, and they both share a common ancestor, the green land iguana. It is thought that this iguana drifted to the Galapagos on vegetation several million years ago.